
Pravaler is a fintech that offers student loans to those seeking to enter college, but who do not have the financial conditions. They position themselves as a platform for educational ecosystem solutions in Brazil.

logo Pravaler

The mission

In 2022, the company sought to seek us to get their message across and reach more students who are looking for a solution to achieve the long-awaited college graduation. In order to do so, our challenge was to reach the largest number of people within the target audience.

Through DMP (Data Management Platform) technology, audience studies and user behavior, we performed optimizations in frequency, reach and target audience.

Once the audiences were identified, we used Display, Open Video and Youtube AD formats which focused on expanding brand reach and Native Ads in order to increase engagement and website traffic.

The solution

  1. We reached more than 6 million people in more than 120 news and entertainment websites;

  2. We generated more than 230,000 direct hits to the client's website;

  3. We work directly on the conversion volume, thus closing the semester with a rate of 1.45% at the top of the marketing funnel.


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